
Universalbox Update 2.8.4 - SD Repair

Added BB5 Superdongle calculation feature with special SX4 authentication

This feature will repair all RAP3G and RAPIDO phones which are in Contact Service state, restarting by media player or by camera function or just restarting randomly.

It doesn't matter what sw version do you have.
This is not a free feature. About pricing check UB website as usual.

    Little FAQ

    If you face with one of the listed problems press Calculate SD at Nokia/BB5/Maintenance tab.
    This will consuming credits. After procedure finish set your phone to "Local mode" and press PM Auth under Superdongle maintenance. (This is a free service) Write a good PM 1,309 block to the phone.
    PM files are located at ..\Uni\Files\Nokia\BB5\Product folder.
    There are two PM auth button. The "old" one is for phones which are in original state and the new one (under Superdongle maintenance) is for phones which are repaired with this new unique way.

    If you are not sure and want check if you need calculate SD data or not press Check SD button.

    This feature will not repair phones which have empty NPC or any other problem. So we prefer to check SD data before do anything with Check SD button. This is the most safer way.

If you have dead phoens, like restarting at Nokia logo, or freeze with white screen, you can backup certs, (NPC,CCC, HWC, etc..) because certifications can be saved from flash mode. Erase your phone and flash it with any version. Your phone will be in live hopefully. Write certificates which where saved before. Repair your simlock and SD data and enjoy your 100% working phones.

I warn users who want tell us some good tips about pricing, these post will be deleted.
There are teams, who will push the prices down. We can not understand why, but maybe we will never understand it.
The good price is also good for you, because then the "Sunday unlockers" will fall out, and good for us, because we can provide good updates and can continue our work.